Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A "Feel Good" Challenge...

A sweet, former student of mine, that I've grown to admire, respect and look forward to witnessing her oozing awesomeness, recently including me on a social media "Challenge" to post photos of some feel-good moments. 

Sadly, my immediate reaction was, "Oh, heck no," "I don't have any good pictures, " "I look too ----------" (fill in the blank,) "in all my pictures." 

What happened to the girl who used to photobomb before that was en vogue? What happened to the cheesy grins, jumping over shoulders and pushing people out of the way to be seen? When did the camera become the enemy and perfection seem like a realistic option? The quest for the perfect photo to make me look (fill in the blank) or no photo at all. You know what that means, no photo at all. No birthdays, goofy moments with the kids, and only tolerated momentous occasion like a graduation or wedding. 

So what does this accomplish? Stolen moments from the big and little people that actually love the me I'm not so sure about? God forbid, I leave the earth in what most consider a premature fashion...what will they have then? How will I learn to love the bad hair days, smile lines, chunk factor here and there, if I hide from myself? How does my journey continue when something as simple as a camera makes me cringe, duck and dodge. 

Mommas, what are we doing to ourselves? Is it a crime not to look like we did 20 years ago? And a real truth, we are still rock stars and "that girl" is still in there. No matter the hairstyle, clothing or poundage. The sparkle in our eye, warmth of our smile and glow is still there. You, we, she are beautiful inside and out. 

So ladies, take that photo. Pose, toast, cheese, strut and show these little girls what being a proud, strong, sexy women is truly all about. TAKE THE DAMN PICTURE without hesitation or reluctance. Tell that inner doubtful bitch to sit down and sling that crap at a truly worthy cause, like someone interfering with your rights or your babies. 

And truth is, to everyone that loves us, everyone that matters, the picture is perfect (with the exception of closed eyes, hair blown cock-eyed, blur and the weird look on your face...those are legit vetoes and auto-retakes). Truth is, those that matter are awed by you simply being you. Even when you think it's bad. To those that matter, you are Goddess, beauty, class and sass intertwined. Work it, girl! 

Monday, July 7, 2014



While you're only born of a woman once, and can be born again, in the religious sense, birthdays are an opportunity, a reminder, that you can rebirth yourself as often as you set your mind to do so. Rebirth as frequently as each first opening of the eyes upon waking, but at a minimum, it should occur on your yearly anniversary of simply being you.

Each birthday is an opportunity to reflect on everything from your annual contribution of carbon emissions, to what your internal energy focus has been the past year. Was it spent in the service of others? Was it solely focused on what you feel life is short changing you? Did you make random acts of kindness a priority and face challenges with ferocity and grace? Or did you crumble into particles when yet another proverbial monkey wrench blazed a course toward your head and your heart? 
Why not use each birthday as a reminder to reflect, reconnect and recommit yourself to those deep down, soul stirring values that keep you on the path toward personal enlightenment and fulfillment? Use that particular day on the calendar to clear your lenses of cloudy expectations and hone in on what your heart is calling you to do. Live your best life, love those around you whether they have earned it or not and let laughter resound throughout your spirit. 

My birthday wish for you...and a reminder for me. Happy "Rebirth"Day!