Even in the loneliest hour when it feels like there’s only you and yourself to keep you company, remember, there is someone who would not be on this planet if it were not for you. Whether it be your kind words of encouragement in what may seem like an infantecmile moment to you, your smile at a seemingly innocent stranger, your couch cushion coins to a homeless person on the corner of your route home, or what seems like a random text to a long lost friend, they need you. Your tears need to be wiped from that tender, child-like cheek, your seemingly endless heartache, your questions of why me or why not me are insignificant in terms of the one life, the one person, at that one moment when it is you who makes all the difference.
So in those times of darkness and pain-filled deep breaths, or those times of questioning why you are really here and if anyone would miss you if you were gone, remember, there is someone out there, most likely unbeknownst to you, that needs you for even that one moment. So hang in there. Wipe your own tears from that pillowcase. It’s ok if you’re all you’ve got. Breathe deeply and remember you are necessary, you are here for a reason and you are needed. Even when it seems like no one would really miss you if you were gone, truth is, you are still here. And that someone you need, is there waiting to run into you...too. Tears dried, tiara on, holding on tight. You are still here for a reason.