Friday, May 29, 2015

From the Demons...In the End, We Can't Win

Let's make sure, she's in pain
That she always has something
That can rob her of sanity giving sleep.

Let's also be sure her heart aches,
Her stomach quakes,
That she feels alone and burdened.

Let's ensure she second guesses
Every decision she's ever made...
Every yes, every no, every hesitation.

Let's make sure she's exhausted
And that when she does need,
The person she hesitantly reaches out to is away,
If even momentarily.

Let's make sure we beat her down,
Stall her will,
And preoccupy her mind with every possible "could go wrong."

Let's climb on her shoulders,
Tie weights to her journey,
And tie one hand behind the other.

Only we know,
In the end,
We can't win.

Her will moves her forward
Even when she doesn't know what
She, herself is capable of.

Her so-called waning faith will carry her through to the faint light in the distance.

Her fight is stronger than we know.

So torment, yes we can,

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The "Blingy" Pen - Gratitude for a Simple Gift

The Blingy Pen
A gift from the sweet daughter that looks slightly down into the eyes of her mother who is just a tad shorter than she. A gift selected for the mother she knows lives and breathes to write.
It sparkles and shines, draws radiance from the light and casts a sense of elegance the way she sees her mother.
This daughter's eyes look past the frazzled racing around the house, the slamming of cupboards in response to life’s latest disappointment and beyond the tears of frustration and the inability to be in more than one just-as-important-place at a time. Daughter sees beyond the self-denouncing inner voice, the overly critical eye, and the self-deprecating angst mother reserves for herself.
Truly, daughter sees just mom, the closest thing to the real Wonder Woman her mother, herself, has idolized since 2nd grade.
Daughter takes note of the kindness displayed to others even when mother is beyond exhausted. Daughter sees all the mothering of kids not her own and of their parents sometimes, too.
Daughter sees paying bills online while stirring some recipe mother “just made up” as she stands in the kitchen still in work clothes having had meetings before and after school and patiently explaining #3 for the fiftieth time.
For daughter, this blingy pen is a symbol of honor, love and awe for the woman whose voice sometimes only can be heard with pen and paper. Daughter knows this pen can be a friend when it’s 3 a.m.; when no one else is there for her mother. Sometimes, daughter knows, this pen can be a lifeline.
So for mother, this blingy pen, is simply the best gift, saying more with simplicity’s angelic voice in the form of sweet daughter.
Mother, thanks you, my love.