Sunday, October 6, 2013

“Each One Reach One, Each One Teach One" - A call to all teachers regarding "The Common Core"

Each One Teach One is an African-American Proverb that has taken a life of it’s own over the last few decades. The version I identify most with is, “Each one teach one, each one reach one.” As a teacher of kiddos with diverse backgrounds, life and learning styles working with a group of teachers with goals, ideologies and teaching styles just as diverse, I embrace this ideology head first as we march towards “The New” Common Core Standards.

While some on the far right side of the aisle have donned the Common Core to be the Death of American Education because open ended questions with a variety of right answers (read lifestyles, hairstyles and color-coding) and the end to one true and “right” way is truly the end, many of Common Core’s biggest cheerleaders say it will bring radical change to our educational system (as they believed for each of the previous changes). In truth, there are people like me, somewhere in the middle, who feel Common Core will bridge the gap between what we believe to be “good teaching” with what students are actually assessed on and expected to do in college and beyond. While some teachers wallow in a state of shock, others are open to potential change, while others, including myself, march forward with our own research, trials, observations and experiences with all that has been deemed, “Common Core.”

And here is where the proverb comes into play. As with anything in life, isn’t a challenge better faced together, rather than in our independent cubicles? Isn’t it better for those of us who are starting to “get it” work with those ranging from those who are open to those who are terrified? Shouldn't each one of us, teach one of us? Support one of us? Lead one of us? Human nature separates us into those who lead and follow with the best scenarios including a fluidity of those roles. As I spent 2+ hours of my Sunday morning reaching and teaching one new to the profession who is at a school filled with fear and infighting, I came to see the importance of each one of us reaching and touching each of us. Everyone must play a role in the adoption, execution and successful implementation of the Common Core. Let’s reach and teach...teachers! No fear, but faith in one another, in the process and in our students ability to rise, lead and learn. My hand is out...

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