‘Tis the season for tears to fall
as memories flood.
Like hearing of Norad’s tracking of Santa
And appreciating the leverage that held
Over excited children
Fighting bedtime
In spite of new Christmas jammies.
The little children are gone,
Replaced with ever sleeping,
Never present teens.
‘Tis the season for tears to fall
as memories flood.
In seeing tiny tots eyes all aglow
From holiday lights engulfing homes
A growing bounty of gifts under the tree
And pleas to Santa with smiles in photos from bribery.
Teen eyes might glow, but no longer my doing
As they ready to leave the nest.
‘Tis the season for tears to fall
As memories flood. All the way to my own youth.
Dad’s drinking scotch arguing over whose lights are best
As mom’s scramble in kitchens
Counters covered in sweet and savory
The delicacies in crystal dishes, the stars
Only second to her efforts to create the perfect holiday.
And that leaves me now
Wondering where the joy could be.
Is it still there deep down
Somewhere inside of me?
Santa, dare I make a Christmas wish
Will you not pass me by
As you journey the sky?
So nice I’ve been
And have in a sense
Given so much,
I’ve given myself away.
My Christmas Wish
For laughter and rest.
For love and lightheartedness.
For peace within and out.
For generosity and care
To all who venture or dare
To say they truly care about me.
The growing up of our kids. It impacts so many crevices of our Mom lives.