Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Did It!

On the Opening Day of Comic Con 2013 and as I sit here in my Wonder Woman Tee and caped knee socks, I write my first entry.

I've always felt like I had a lot to say, really about everything, and decided on my birthday this year, that I was going to say it whether I had anyone to listen or not.

I want to say all the things I wish I'd had someone share with me so I didn't have to feel like I was going completely insane while trying to figure out all of this crap called life, in a manner that feels like by myself.

I'm not sure of the rhyme or reason in how I'm going to format the things swirling in my head from past, present and a postulated future. When I get caught up in all that, the perfectionistic naysayer gets set to defeat me before I have a chance to scream, cry and crack myself up.

If you read it regularly (although I do not know the definition of regular right now), great. If you read it once, great. If you learn something, better. If you get pissed, then good - writing is art and is supposed to illicit a reaction and maybe I will cause you to re-examine who you are and the role you play in the universe.

As for me, I'm proud that I'm here and welcome you to find your inner Wonder Woman (even you of the male kind). More "Wonder Womanness" couldn't hurt anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think WW (Wonder Women) are at their best, when we feel our most vulnerable. Rising to the occasion OR learning how to count on others is our forte.


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