Sunday, November 10, 2013

How Do I Do What I Do...This Wonder Woman’s Prayer

My titles: Wife, mother, daughter, teacher, volunteer...none of which I profess to be perfect at. I've lost track of the number of times people have said, “I don’t know how you do it!” It’s almost to the point that I have to fight an automatic eye-roll every time I hear it. Part of me wants to say, “As if I have a choice not to keep going,” or “Everyone’s life is not as charmed as yours.” While there’s some truth in both statements, my kindergarten self says, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” So, my automatic reply to those statements is to smile and say nothing.

None of those responses are the real truth; at least not the truth that matters. The real truth is that this wonder woman has a very special prayer I say every morning. It goes a little something like this:

Dear Lord,Good morning. Thank you for waking me up to see another day and for helping me survive yesterday. I know you expect much of those who you have given much too, so I ask that you use me for whatever it is you need me to do. Show me who needs a hand, a kind word, a hug. Use my mouth to speak words of encouragement, support or humor to help someone in need so they may continue on their journey. Give me energy to keep going and doing. Forgive me for being selfish and worrying about my “what’s next” and “what if’s.” Help me enrich the lives of all those you've entrusted into my care and show me how to help.Use me for your work.Amen.

So, am I some superhuman with a secret potion for energy? Do I never sleep or need or want? Do I “know” something others don't? No. But, I know I am not here for me, but for something greater and if I devote my energy to fulfilling that destiny, countless possibilities come to fruition. What if we all surrendered to giving? My daily prayer is this wonder woman’s answer. I challenge you to find yours.

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