Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sometimes it Hurts to Write...but it Hurts More Not To

Sometimes it hurts to write. 
Pain bleeds through each word.
Heart pounds at reflective memories.
But it hurts more to keep it inside.

The words ooze from my pores.
Fighting each other to be heard
In a world where you're told 
Your words 
Your experiences
Your memories
Don't count.

Words from my heart to your soul.
Words that unify.
Words that relate.
Words that define.
And refine.
And rebuild.
And recreate.
And resound with the masses
In spite of the fact
That we are not supposed to care
About those that
Are not our mirror image.
Those that Look different,
Love differently,
And live in different worlds.

These words have to make an appearance 
On the hearts and minds of
Any who spot them on a page.
Digest them into their soul
And breath.

Your words, our words, our world
We must share.
And care.
And love.
And be.

My words are ours to 
Feel and see.
And love
And live
And laugh.

They flow automatically 
Without my permission,
But fight to be freed from my own 
Self doubt.

So I let them be.
To flee
And love
And live in your heart too.
To let you know 
You are not alone
In your wildest dreams.

My words, 
my heart, 
my love
is there with you.

Will you share, too? 

What I Want, Have, Need

What I Want
A break
a vacation in tropical paradise
to be served a meal made with love
to be respected
a healthy, happy family
financial stability
to be anxiety free
to sleep well, every night
handheld sunsets on the beach
to not feel lonely
to feel loved
to be surrounded by smart, funny, loving people
people to honor the tiara I secretly wear
to be admired
to be recognized for all the hard work and sacrifices I’ve made
to feel like I can rest, finally
to feel like I made it

What I Have
dinners alone
work to forget the life I’m not living
fledgeling dreams
a life only led in books
no bestie
the one little break I was looking forward to cancelled
nothing to look forward to
proof that dreams don’t come true
a heavy heart
a feeling of hopelessness

What I Need
someone’s time
a break
inner peace
self love
to know everything is really going to be ok
a deep breath
to feel good about what I see when I look in the mirror
to actually look in a mirror
and know
it’s going to be ok

I read
I write
I cry
I loathe
I silently scream
I pretend
I exist

Summer Rain

Summer Rain in San Diego
Image result for summer rain

Rain drops and flip flops
Humid breezes and thunder.
Power outages.
Sundresses and sandals
Warm air and clouds
Thunder and awe
Lightening and fear of fire
Warm breezes and falling palm leaves
Raindrops on beach umbrellas

Summer rain in San Diego

Slave Whispers

Slave Whispers

I hear them
Surrounding me in disbelief.
They whisper, “I see her, too!”
Their eyes gently gaze
And study me
As they realize, I am living proof of Maya Angelou’s,
“Hope and the dream of the slave.”

As they study
My skin
My hair
My freedom
My education
Shouts of praise replace whispers in the wind.

Familial bonds filled with joy
Oozing from the little girls and boys
That didn’t make it through slavery’s days.
“I am the hope and the dream of the slave.”

I absorb the immense strength it took to
Beat the odds
Beating the whip.
With family, faith hope and grace.
And the love that remains
In the two room, two family shelter of the slaves.

I walked the grounds
Thanking those that endured
And fought on
And sang praise to get through the day
Because “I am the hope and the dream of the slave.”

So fight on, I must.
Quit. I can’t.
They didn’t so I could
Just be.

Faith & Fear

Faith and fear, are for many, polar opposites. “If you’re going to worry, don’t pray. And if you’re going to pray, don’t worry,” said Pastor Green countless times and the pig-tailed, ruffly socked me never quite understood that paradox. As I grew in height and age, I came to realize that according to the faith under which I was raised, it simply meant, “Let go and let God;” another saying frequently voiced in my Baptist Church. What freedom to know that God had everything under control and that if I simply asked him to take care of it, it would be done. All through final exams, oversleeping, and commutes to and from college, this was the case. Meeting what I thought to be my Mr. Right, graduating from college and even the first job that I came to quickly hate, I let go and let God have my simple woes and what I thought to be major life stressors.

And then came the lay-offs and uncertainty of bills not being able to be paid by my starting salary. Followed by a trifecta of death: seeing my father cry at news about his brother and my godfather and my new husband's uncle. After some time in shock and grief came a cross country move, new job opportunities, new friends, our first home and first child. Faith brought me through tornado warnings and missing family at the holidays.

And then came the phone call, the death of my mother-in-law, the unwilling move back across country, the death of this daddy’s girl’s hero and of my husband's twin. Add more lay-offs and a depression that almost kept this mother from her newborn. Where was God then? Certainly I hadn’t been a saint, but not sinner enough to be caught in a perpetual rip tide. Accustomed to funerals and knowing a place called Caskets R Us actually exists and that it's the cheapest place to buy one. Only cooking because two children needed to eat and needed even the shadow of a mother that I was.

Constantly questioning what I did to deserve this? Why me? And what kind of God would do this to any one person while gifting others, like my very neighbor, with not having to work, the privilege of focusing on home improvement projects and vacations from her in-laws while I shop in the next town for the cheapest groceries hoping no one knows my financial secret. While I tutor kids on the side. While I cry myself to sleep wondering when the pain will stop.Where was the faith then?

And even now, knowing somehow that the children in my charge were somehow handpicked for my classroom and that there is magic only I can provide for them. Days when I look at those faces and wonder how I can do what's asked of me. How can I keep going? How can I fulfill what I thought was the call of my life while barely hanging onto daily routines and questioning "how" I can do what's expected of me. Will God give me the energy-strength-wisdom to work with so many and do so much when I'm feeling I'm just not enough?

Choices: Face Everything and Rise or Fear Everything and Run.

There is a minute part of me, somewhere deep within, where a light dimly shines, knowing it will one day become a mighty flame. A beacon to someone else just barely hanging on in the hopes of one day also being able to rise above the repeated low-lights life likes to drown some of us in. A little voice that repeats, "yes," "go," and "glow," no matter how many times we shout at it to just leave us alone and try to run so far outside our minds trying just to get away. I want to believe that whisper, no matter how much I wish it would show itself, would warmly hug me and place me on a certain path. I hope that is where my faith lives and that is where I find God.

God stating," Do not fear." God whispering, "Rise, baby girl." Reminding me, " Yes, it's worth it" and, "yes, you do matter." And finally, "I made you just as you are, perfect for what I need you to do."

And wiping tears on those days when withdrawing feels like the only option, I turn up the volume and magnify that voice inside. Face everything and rise. Don't quit. Yes, you can. Go forward, child. No need to run, just rise.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Dreaded "Teacher Dreams" & Changing Window Screens: A Teacher's Life

Image result for teacher  bad dreams
It's the beginning of August and...they're baaa-aack. Though the official return to the blank canvas that is my empty classroom is not for almost two weeks, the dreams that wake me in a start, bringing a racing heart and a coat of sweat have arrived in full force. Dreams where your running in heels through campus unable to find a classroo
m you've taught in for years or have been given a new assignment to a school in an undisclosed location and you can’t find anyone who knows the address though school is to start in five minutes. Dreams where every red light is keeping you from being on time to the first day of school. Dreams where none of your clothes fit, your classroom door won't unlock, your already set up classroom has magically undone itself and where no one on campus will speak to you. 

These dreams are what real teachers are made of and whether new or a 20 year vet, we've learned that they come with the territory. When we are brave enough to share, recounting the ridiculous, yet relatable nature of the dreams, they bring us laughs and camaraderie. Knowing smiles and similar versions of your recurring teacher nightmare have floated over many a lunch table.

Pre-Planning Phase
There are actual books that collect teacher dreams in order to make us laugh through our collective unconsciousness. There is also a theory, that goes as far as to say these dreams are good for us. That even in our dreams, we are processing and making contingency plans for stressors we know we will face in the classroom: being prepared, dealing with challenging students/staff members/parents, and counteracting the unexpected. 

Perhaps there is merit to these anxiety producing, sleep-robbing night visions. In some twisted funny, but not funny way, they serve to prepare us mortals to do work of the divine on our classrooms. We need superpowers including not only eyesight in the back of our heads and bat like hearing, but the ability to know the precise combination of independence, nursing, counseling, hand holding, humor, and disciplinarian every child needs at any given moment. Subconscious pre-planning via “practice” with a variety of dream scenarios becomes a feasible way to prepare for what seems to be unpreparable.

So that brings me to changing screens. Three screens in my house were begging to be re-screened. Not getting paid in the summer had the possibility of contracting someone not an option. I'm not a “Handy-woman-Hannah” type, am a self proclaimed weakling when it comes to math and am not a super sure hand with tools. But, according to the aforementioned teacher dream theory, I am a problem solver and had been mentally preparing myself for this for days. I did my YouTube research, took double measurements and debated Home Depot vs. Lowes. I stripped a screen while following my YouTube Instructor and confidently headed to the big box home improvement store. I was determined that I would face the unknown with confidence and that I would have success, even if several attempts are what were in order. Just like in my classroom. In the same manner I approach students, I was not going to give up until those damn screens were installed.

And you know what, I did it. First attempt. No returns for more or different parts. Was it a struggle, yes. Did I curse, more than once which was actually nice since that type of vocabulary is not allowed while problem solving at school. Did I have to climb a ladder and use the back of a broom handle to secure a second story screen, yes, but hey, it worked. The screen is in securely.

Are my recently returned teacher nightmares the reason I successfully fixed the screens? Of course not. But the spirit in which I face my students each year and work through the inevitable challenges and pitfalls that come with being a teacher is what contributed most to that success. Teacher friends, the teacher dreams may be back, but that means so are we. And I’m ready for 2015-16. Are you?

Installed with a little broom handle improvisation - Teachers Improvise all the time, right?