Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What I Want, Have, Need

What I Want
A break
a vacation in tropical paradise
to be served a meal made with love
to be respected
a healthy, happy family
financial stability
to be anxiety free
to sleep well, every night
handheld sunsets on the beach
to not feel lonely
to feel loved
to be surrounded by smart, funny, loving people
people to honor the tiara I secretly wear
to be admired
to be recognized for all the hard work and sacrifices I’ve made
to feel like I can rest, finally
to feel like I made it

What I Have
dinners alone
work to forget the life I’m not living
fledgeling dreams
a life only led in books
no bestie
the one little break I was looking forward to cancelled
nothing to look forward to
proof that dreams don’t come true
a heavy heart
a feeling of hopelessness

What I Need
someone’s time
a break
inner peace
self love
to know everything is really going to be ok
a deep breath
to feel good about what I see when I look in the mirror
to actually look in a mirror
and know
it’s going to be ok

I read
I write
I cry
I loathe
I silently scream
I pretend
I exist

1 comment:

Thoughts? Reactions? Your feedback is welcomed. I don't know what you're thinking unless you share. Looking for something specific, let me know!