Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Slave Whispers

Slave Whispers

I hear them
Surrounding me in disbelief.
They whisper, “I see her, too!”
Their eyes gently gaze
And study me
As they realize, I am living proof of Maya Angelou’s,
“Hope and the dream of the slave.”

As they study
My skin
My hair
My freedom
My education
Shouts of praise replace whispers in the wind.

Familial bonds filled with joy
Oozing from the little girls and boys
That didn’t make it through slavery’s days.
“I am the hope and the dream of the slave.”

I absorb the immense strength it took to
Beat the odds
Beating the whip.
With family, faith hope and grace.
And the love that remains
In the two room, two family shelter of the slaves.

I walked the grounds
Thanking those that endured
And fought on
And sang praise to get through the day
Because “I am the hope and the dream of the slave.”

So fight on, I must.
Quit. I can’t.
They didn’t so I could
Just be.

1 comment:

  1. *loud finger snapping* Just beautiful and awesome! Thank you.


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