Thursday, January 28, 2016

Period. Enough.

I need to start properly

Punctuating my sentences.

With periods.

No more commas and conjunctions

That string nouns with verbs

Ending with explanations and justifications

Or apologizing my way through life.

Just a plain and simple


Or yes.

Or even

I'm. Just. Done.

Done taking up for you,

Making excuses for you,

Expending too much of me in the process.

This. Will. Now. End.

With a period.

Or maybe even an exclamation point.

“Hell no” might even be in order,

Even if it offends your fragility

And you fool heartedly use your waning power over me

To beg for one semicolon;

Where you gravely attempt to erase my period.

I matter.

My tired matters.

My heart matters.

That pain from your need to run me,

Own me,

Tell me when,

and how,

and why,

I should be something other than

What my heart tells me.

Until I'm drained,

And pained,

And pleasing you’d out.

It all ends with this. Period.