Sunday, August 11, 2013


Lonely is that bone aching feeling of inner darkness
Where you question what is wrong with you
so much so that no one wants to be with you.
Not your family,
Not your non-existent friends
Not those who smile and hug,
yet never make your cell phone buzz.
Only those who can't speak;
The pets, the ghosts
Stay by your side.

So lonely, that spending Friday night watching the
Emotionally ill, wounded souls on TV
Actually is the plan
so you see people hurting more than you.

Feeling unloved, unliked, unwelcomed.
Heart aching
Tears welling, pooling and
Threatening to go beyond the dam and
Onto cheeks and throat and back down to the aching heart.

How do you fix?
Who do you call?
Who will say yes,
They want to be with you

That they like being with you
You make them smile
And feel better
And glow
And grow.

Do I show up downtown alone and take that big a chance
In more ways than one?
Or, sit at home and wish I had gone.

So I dress to my best
Hold my head up
Fake the confidence I wish I had
Smile and find my outgoing inner twin
And go home feeling just as alone,
but having gotten out of the house while the
Nervous nelly in me yells with worry
while I drive
All the way home.
Wondering if the lonely will have lifted
Just a bit

Will I make a lasting impression on someone
Enough that they will want me
Even a little?
Lonely sucks,
Is it what I'm meant to be?

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