Friday, August 23, 2013

Unexpected blessings...oxymoron?

After three first week of school days that felt like a week in themselves, or even a month, I thought it a good idea to retire my teacher hat and place the "momma of my own children" hat back on, at least for the weekend. My all-boy, boy-child was in need of more shoes to shred while skateboarding and biking, so, though I was beyond tired and in need of an adult beverage, I decided to rally and hit some stores in search of shoes.

First store, strike one. Second store, we score a double with shoes for both function and fashion with an extra base for no arguing. We soldier on to yet another retailer and move to third base with both function and price being in our favor. On a whim and while in good moods, we approach a store, just because, and find sporting equipment that fits, is of good quality and is on CLEARANCE for 60% off. Homerun!  But wait. The salesclerk reaches over the counter to high five us after seeing our purchase is really half what we thought. Final price about 80% off!

Boy child looked at me with a smile of disbelief as I looked to the ceiling in a not so silent prayer of thanks. This was the third and most grand blessing to occur on this admittedly dreaded excursion.

That got me thinking about blessings. You never know when or where they will occur. Unexpected? a gift? Well, duh. You never know when the stars will align in your favor. You never know when heaven will part the seas, stop the sorrow and stress, and allow serendipity to disperse among those doing the best they can with what they have for those they love.

No matter what anyone else says, or believes, I believe today was a reward for doing my best for those I love while serving my purpose on earth. Did I deserve it, NO! Was I greatful, beyond words. Unexpected blessings? Don't wait for one.

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